Monday, July 31, 2023

Squirrel gets a Super Kick

Here we go another senseless blog from an ADHD squirrel. I spend all my life working which is no problem.  It what we do right. Bit being a Dad I have made alot of mistakes don't get me wrong alot. I man enough to admit that. I did the best I could working and providing what they need to survive. Know if I not mistakes we all know what that that is right . Well if you don't let me tell you? Food water clothes shelter.
When I was kid I 3 jobs pushing my Brother in his wheelchair. So we get cool bikes ,Nintendo, $$$$$. Being I.A.O. WARRIORS we we got paper. Let me tell you something that guy in wheelchair my brother ,A Leglend DA GODFATHER.  He could throw paper like he like paper boy. Good times just sayin.  But we work for what we want. This generation expects everything to be handed to them. It's not how are you how are you doing today it's hey I need this I need that. Go out and get a job what for a much out for you right. But the internet has warped their minds. What are we going to do today we're going to play on our computer I feel I pray with a bunch of bull crap. I don't have any friends they say nobody to hang out with. Now if I'm not mistaken back in my day there are no cell phones there's no internet. We went out and the world was our jungle gym we build ramps a little tin cans and pieces of wood we found on the side. It didn't matter if we came home with a broken bone bruises on our back parents looked at it said it put some alcohol on it. And we did we didn't care we did it the next day. We respectful to our parents, we always did with the asked we did a little bit of chores we even did above and beyond. We might have been a little disrespectful said some things we should enough. We're kids right but not once did you ever hear the word b**** f***, Etc you get the point. If we did something wrong it was our fault we admitted it we fessed up to it we face the consequences. Sometimes the cops would come they would catch us we didn't want want to go home we'd rather stay with them. The point I'm trying to make is a little discipline I'm not saying a lot it goes a long way. Now we might work a lot we might lose track of some things and think we're not paying attention but we are. But in the end all that really matters was a simple dollar sign. It did not matter what creatures it was in my life was always $$$$. But just doing what i thouhgt a squirrel does the other is dollar signs up and feed his family . But it didn't matter how hard I tried that are how much effort I gave it . If you're not smart enough they wanted gold . He asked him to help gather them no way ask them how to fix the clubhouse no way . They just wanted to sit there and collect all the nuts they could with no respect a little bit of help not even pat on the back . 

Couple pro wrestlers I know. From Pure Pro Wrestling. They call themselves The Made men. And the best thing that they're known for is they always collect . To my creatures that's all they want to do is collect 


So there it is no matter what i ba

Friday, July 28, 2023

We must adapt ?

Here we go another senseless blog from an ADHD squirrel. " What we're you Thinkin...?" SQUIRREL" 
 so as I look up above as a picture you see. We've talked about many times about improvising adapting and overcome. So I find myself this weekend going on a fun river trip. Can we go on every year. So there I was for a moment in my home thinking, " squirrel" what are we going to do how are we going to work out oh my God. There I was in my head, squirrel, get out of your head. Tell yourself relax, Focus slow. So I did exactly that and got to thinking how does a squirrel exactly work out ? So I did some researching  little facts about Me i mean "SQUIRREL
Did you know that a squirrel could one run 20 miles an hour, well most squirrels that is the other run about half. They can fall 30 m without hurting himself. Unlike other small creatures they come out during the day. They go head on big or small no matter who you are. They also are the most interactive with humans they like that when they're running around a tree they're playing hide and seek. They can even hide food up to 3 years and know where they put it. They would rather drop their food later come back and get it then risk a bigger Predator than than being attacked. We'll leave you with the last two facts that did you know that in Greek squirrel means tattletale and that in Longview Washington they have a bridge called nutty Narrows. And they even have a squirrelfest every year in August.. we know that we're going to have to visit there. WHAT WE'RE YOU THINKIN...? JUST SAYIN... !  Wow I learn something today I hope you did. Hopefully you got this so will learn together. 
Like is my workout tomorrow preparing for my river trip. Keep I am thinking in my head what will have around this weekend.  We know I will my orange towel and the environment. "RESPECT DA ORANGE " 
* Jog a little mile
* Push up 5 sets [ 30secs] times intervals wirh 15 secs rest for each set 
* Air squats 3 sets [30secs] time intervals with 15 secs rest 
*  Tree climers : using towel on a tree you can reach pull up wow you're right foot is helping you pull up. Repeat with left foot. 5  sets 30 second time in between each set. With 15 second rest.
. * Squirrel lunges, put both hands on the ground while feet are placed in back of you, then you're going to jump as far as you can and land on all fours. Three sets with 30 seconds time limit 15 second rest in between.
* forward lunges standing up three sets 30 seconds a piece 15 second intervals rest between each set.
* towel set.. pick a reasonable level 🌳 shoulder width apart, Shadowbox your orange rag for 3 minutes. 
More interesting workouts ideas from ADH squirrel this is just a sample from what's to come wait to my river trip what am I going to come up with. What were you thinking? Squirrel

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Dumbell City time Squirrel

Well here we go again another senseless blog from an ADHD squirrel. Well I'm definitely getting my workout routines down and then I'm feeling pretty confident about it. But I already seen that I need to better myself so I take my 1stphorm workout I do that and then I create my own from inspired workouts at home on YouTube. Because like I always say no matter what improvise adapt and overcome. Because you never saw me saw me comin ?Workout with 30secs time with intervals of 30 25lbs dumbbells. second rest ( your choice weights)
* air squats 
* some press
* split squat R
* split squat L
Rest 30secs 
* Upper Lateral lunge R
* Upper Lateral lunge L
Rest 30secs 
* Staggerd squat + Rear lunge R
* Staggers squats + Rear lunge L
Rest 30secs 
* Upper shoulder press
* Rear deadlift Flyers
Rest 30secs 
* Upper right rows
* Front raises
* Around the world 
* Rear delt shrugs
Rest 30secs 
* Arnold Schwarzenegger Press 
* Rear 90% raise
Rest 30secs 
* Bent over L
* Hammer curls
Rest 30secs 
* Renegade Row L/R
* Circle curls
Rest 30secs 
* Twist Press ( Laydown)
* Skull Crusher 
Rest 30secs 
* Single R arm Press ( Laydown)
* Tate Press R 
Rest 30secs 
* single L arm press
* Tate press L
Rest 30secs 
* UP Flyers
* Overhead extensions ( get on Knees)
Rest 30secs 
* High Knees
* Jump Lunge switch L/R
Rest 30secs 
* Push up
* Air squats with Jump
* swimmers 
* 1/2 Burpees
Rest 30secs 
* FULL Burpees
Cool down 2 mins stretch breath. 
Wow Squirrel 
" What we're you Thinkin...?
TODAY WORKOUT inspired by this YouTube channel

Success Be a Squirrel Team Q

Here we go another senseless blog by an ADHD squirrel. Today's title is success, when you hear that word what do you think you really accomplish everything that you wanted to in your life. Did you set the least important stuff on the back burner. Sometimes like we say relax focus and slow down. REALLY SAY THOSE WORDS. Success is not something that is given. It is hard work dedication motivation and never giving up. Wait a minute is it "squirrel" I mean I think so what do you think ? Reading an article sent by my coach  Team King Quinn
HE DA MAN.  " SQUIRREL " Back  to the blog. Keep in mind we're always on the same page it seems because I was writing this blog before I read this message and watch this video just saying  Anyways  success is never giving up it's crashing it's burning it's failing and continuing to improvise adapt and overcome. And above all believe in yourself do it for you and nobody else. Everyone can be a I.A.O. warrior.   Just belive in the impossible no matter how big or small. Success comes from the ones who put in the most work. Da early guy the one always full energy. We are the 1st one up last one to end the the day . Da Movement.... 
With my 1stphorm workout  I can't show it Top secret..

* 3 set 25reps BENCH press 75pds
*3 sets 25reps butterfly dumbbells 50lbs 
* 3 sets 25 reps  Hammer curls 26lbs
3 sets 25 reps crunches with 10 second rest
Light Mile with stretches

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

I Got this

Well here we go another senseless blog by ADHD squirrel. Today sitting here drinking my pre-workout drink. Reflecting on everything I've done to this point. Take them random selfies looking yourself in the mirror do I see any Improvement. Family and friends coworkers and clients tell me they see a change. As I looked I really don't see it. But I definitely feel it I feel the powerless I feel the motivation and I feel the dedication to never giving up. As we all know Murphy's Law follows me. But that's no excuse keep going pushing through no matter how hard it is and just enjoy the pain cuz the results will show in the end,.
* stretch all muscles
* light Mile run 
* 200 air squats
* 5 sets of 25 explosive push-ups
* 100 knee  lunches right foot left foot
* 3  sets 25 plank push up
 * 3 25 Dimond pushup 
3 sets curls 25 reps (25lb)
3 sets extension 25 reps curls right arm (25lb)
3 sets extension  25 reps  curls left arm  ( 25lb)
 3 sets Hammer curl right arm  25 reps ( 25lb)
3 sets Hammer curls left arm. 25 reps    (25lbs)
3 sets bench press 10 reps (70)
One of my favorite workouts that I created my big dumbbell guy I really like him and my bench press. So there it is let's get started never giving up. You never saw me coming.  The world never never even expected at ADHD blog let alone a squirrel try to get ripped. Well what's the progress happen we doing this.  
What we're you Thinkin...? 

Just sayin..! I GOT THIS. I.A.O.WARRIORS 
Improvise adapt overcome and don't forget relax focus and slow down

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Steps to Transforming a Squirrel

Well here we go another senseless blog from an ADHD squirrel. So in a article I was reading today for 1stphorm. How to transform your body eight habits. The quote said it went in when in reality we can make positive changes in our lives we want ... like right now. Think about that statement. How often do we tell ourselves we're going to do something and we don't do it. "SQUIRREL" there it is your mind got away from you you forgot about it you wanted something more. You wanted that ps4, that big screen tv, Cobra tie T-shirt,unicorn,etc.  That's it there right there just have to tell yourself but that's not important. Bettering yourself and getting things that you need to improve your life. That will transform you to make you feel good. One Foot In Front of the other that's all it takes. You told yourself that you wanted to get fit you wanted to build bulk you want to transform. But you didn't do it because the thought got away from you something else was important. NOW  tell yourself wait for it RELAX,FOCUS,SLOW DOWN. Get out of your head and just do it. You have all the time in the world to get the little things. But most of all don't doubt yourself you got this. We all can be I.A.O. Warriors.  You just have to tell yourself get up and move. That's all it takes is movements. It's time stop procrastinating improvise, adapt, overcome. Nothing is impossible if you want it bad. You can start with little bit of no weights by getting up doing some sit-ups some crunches some jumping jacks. Give yourself a little bit of extra time start with 10 minutes, go on to 15 minutes, then make it 30 minutes, then make it a routine. Now if I'm wrong everyone's got an Alexa in their house. If not use your phone plan some music start dancing and as you're dancing touch your toes reach to the sky there are no excuses and the sky is the limit and you just got to tell yourself. Do you think the most successful people in the world woke up and it just got handed to him. Listen to positive music positive thoughts. If you don't already know one of my favorite groups is fearless motivation. One of my favorite songs that I listen to Everyday is I am.
Go listen to it it'll change you and listen to it everyday. Make your routine put positive thoughts in your head. And get out of your head with all those bad thoughts. Relax, focus, slow down. 
 so we'll end this blog today by saying stay active.  We are Da Movement keep moving don't stop positive thoughts. And it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks about you you are a hero, you are great and you are somebody. Because you want it for you and nobody else. And of course one of my favorite quotes enjoy the little things.  Qoute in Zombieland. What were you thinkin.. ,JUST SAYIN...!

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Don't Do it Squirrel they say you should.?

Here we go another senseless little blog from an endless ADHD squirrel. So turning into beast mode is hard motivation hard work dedication. I tell myself all the time relax, Focus, slow down. It's in my head on a daily basis like literally I tell myself three or four times a day. There's always some creature some bigger hulk with bug balls. who's got to push you around and think that a title might mean something. But you tell yourself don't super kick anyone in the head. Maybe trip them accidentally squirrel punch him squirrel that was epic right. Squirrel so I guess what I'm trying to say is no matter what you must relax focus and slow down. And get whatever scrambling around in your head sometimes just walking away and being a nice guy it's kind of the right thing to do. But in a second note don't ever underestimate the little guy just say it. What were you thinking ? 

So I have to tell myself exactly what I tell myself everyday get out of my head don't push too hard relax focus and slow down so. Can't take no for an answer it's time to be boost mode right so there's a light workout here it is. Because no matter what this will always got to keep moving and work harder than the rest. Respect Da orange stop chasing us like you Jason Bourne 
Turn on fearless  motivation

5mins stretches up and down.30 secs everypart
*  Jump Jack's 30 secs 
* light crunches  for 3mins
* Russian twist  25reps 3 sets
 *100 push up 
* Run 🏃‍♂️  Mile light
20 mins relax finish listening to Fearless motivation.
Here a link we're I get some ideas ..
One more thing you thought it was over. You never saw me coming. Don't get me wrong I've never looking for a fight I don't want to fight but if you're coming at me even if you're bigger win or lose come get some.
" DA Movement"
Wait it nit just orange towel.. 
Always from my favorite book....

Never underestimate A workout . my meals

Here we go let's do this. I still sore from the last few days of working out. DON'T don't get me wrong I'm ride or die squirrel I'm enjoying the pain. My muscles ache. Hard work dedication motivation. I am my own hero. I can accomplish anything I want to. There is nothing that is going to stop me. #I AM 1STPHORM  .  A I was already a champion they're going to make me a great one. I tell myself a lot relax, focus, slow down. 🐌  you ever seen the movie Ice Age. What did that squirrel do how many time did he lose his acorn. But he never gave up he always went and got it he was determined no matter how small he was no matter where the air tone was. You already know my name and shot twice ran over and this squirrel still rolling the dice.

Check the workout  for Today.

 Warm up.

30 secs each set stretches
* Jump Jack's
* Tip toe touch
* sit stretch both toes
* Russian twist.
* planks
* shoulder width push-ups
* diamond push-ups
2 min rest 
 * 3 SETS BENCH PRESS WIDE 15 reps ARm 51pds
*3  three sets squats  15 reps 75pds
* 3 set ms bofelx arms wide 15 reps
* 3 sets Bowflex standing up upward 15 reps
* 3 sets  Bowflex Russian twist 15 reps
* rest 2 mins with 100 push up
* 3 sets one arm curls l/R 15 reps 22ps
* lateral forward jumps 30 seconds
* 3 set double arm 15 reps 50pds
3 set back press curl. 15 reps 25 lb left right
* Knee lunges right foot left foot
Above are links I use for helping my workouts
Warm down mile cool run 🏃‍♀️ 

Check ✔️ it 
 We always listen to Fearless motivation in the movement House
What we're you Thinkin  ?
Just sayin 
But just another senseless blog from ADHD squirrel. Last but not least I think one of the most hardest that I've having to deal with. Is the amount of food the carbs the protein fiber it's crazy but we're doing it and we're doing this to the end. You never saw me coming what were you thinking. Water,, chicken some ground beef and a few vegetables of course my average day Munchies in my Arizona Iced Tea.

Friday, July 21, 2023

Ride or die Squirrel I am.1stphorm workout

Well here it is another senseless blog from an ADHD squirrel. Today was a lot harder than the rest. I was still sore from the day before. But today that Fearless monster followed me into my workout room. And watch me with them creepy eyes. As I dodged him from left to right doing my girls jumping in place and powering through my push-ups there he was staring at me. But like that little squirrel beast mode time. I am 1stphorm I shouted for some motivation.
Staying staying positive there I was him calling on his other enforcers. But as they walked I got through my daily workout feeling good motivated trying to carbs and proteins in. 
Today Workout 
15 mins stretch I'm running in place for 5 minutes pretty warm up. Make  sure stretch. Also a mile and a half run. With the Sprint on the way back

Well it was leg workout today. I am not gone lie it wa hard. All sets are 30secs . With 20 secs rest.  
Warm up 10 mins ( 30 secs each)
* Stand up stretch
* Plank rotations L/R
* side plank rotation L/R
* knee jump
* walking toe stretches
* Toe Jumps
* Limb extensions L/R
* Rear extensions 
* Back extensions 
* Plank knee in L/R
* Heal Tap
* explosive push-ups
Workout squirrel killer bumbells 30 secs/20secs rest

* Db curls
* Hammer curl L/R each set
* Db drag curls both arms
* Db push up forearm press
* overhead extensions L/R ( alternate)
* Triep Press 
* Zerker Curls
* Peak Contractions 
* Db kick backs
* Db Hammers alternate arms
* Db rotations
* diamond push-ups
* for my impresses explode up
* Lyin extensions
Thank you to Fraser Wilson
 Do alot of its works 

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

ride or die squirrels crunch workout

So this morning I jumped out my tree. Ready to get all my might workout in for today. Like always I had 3 fearless beast in my way. Fighting left and right putting on my workout super suit. The ADHD one got me. "Squirrel" Yea you heard me a adhd Dog. He of the rocker he cool he's not hea all squirrel. So there I was bite mark in my Heal. But determine and all there I was I had to get to my protein shake. There was right before my eyes 1stphorm super drink.

Well it was leg workout today. I am not gone lie it wa hard.  All sets are 30secs . With 20 secs rest.  
Warm up 10 mins  ( 30 secs each)
* Stand up stretch
* Plank rotations L/R
* side plank rotation L/R
* knee jump
* walking toe stretches
* Toe Jumps
* Limb extensions L/R
* Rear extensions 
* Back extensions 
* Plank knee in L/R
* Heal Tap
* explosive push-ups
Workout squirrel killer bumbells 30 secs/20secs rest

* Db curls
* Hammer curl L/R each set
* Db drag curls both arms
* Db push up forearm press
* overhead extensions L/R ( alternate)
* Triep Press 
* Zerker Curls
* Peak Contractions 
* Db kick backs
*  Db Hammers alternate arms
* Db rotations
* diamond push-ups
* for my impresses explode up
* Lyin extensions
Thank you to Fraser Wilson
 Do alot of its works 

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

I am 1st Phorm

Well it's been a long journey I guess you life and everything. Just another senseless thought and a Blog by ride or die squirrel. Well I am 1stphorm. Yeah you heard it right I got my own personal trainer I got to upload my workouts and I got to keep track of everything I eat. Hard work dedication motivation never give up. So if you want to follow me on this incredible journey because I am going to be the next big deal. They said it was impossible to bark this preacher up to gain weight 146 lb and you can hang glide on a Dorito
Well I'm taking the grand finale prize and I'm taking it home. Da Movement is going to make a statement and provide adapt and overcome and you can be a champion too

Monday, July 17, 2023


Well i Guess will call this post ⏬️
Here we go another senseless squirrel ADHD thoughts. It's it's not often I take picture of my backside. But I have noticed some significant differences definitely in my back muscles. Sometimes I think to myself is even possible can I even do this you haven't heard of a squirrel Beast. No you haven't I haven't either a d h d has stopped me from a lot of things in my whole life. Lot of Life events have stopped me from doing what I want. Many people telling me why you're going to even try you're too small, "They're all going to laugh at you" (Adam Sandler line) Look at he Hand Glide on a Dorito. Is that even possible? What wait for ... Relax,Focus, SLOW DOWN.  "Squirrel "
Just sayin..?  
Well I made it happen I mean it looks cool. The point that I'm trying to make look at the picture Anything is Possible hard work motivation dedication and never giving up. And that is a pretty epic freaking picture so I will believe I am a hero and I am a champion. And me and Henry and The Underdogs We are Da Movement. 

Monday, July 10, 2023

t shirt for sale and podcast

How we doing today ? Just nonsense thought from a ADHD squirrel. Da pics of shirt below. There are also 4 logo for front unless you custom on back. All tshirts are $27 . We also be donating some profit. So squirrel lives matter . Go support  Da  movement . Them under dogs with a dream get your shirts now support ADHD and those little guys .
4 logo your choice for front. All back logos above. Unless special ordered for the front.
I got something to tell you. No disrespect Orange  Cassidy. Up until a few days ago I didn't know who you were. So they did orange Cassidy thing  but if you want make it a fling. I MIGHT  not ready yet but I never turned down a if you want some come get some . And to Logan Paul I haven't forgot about you that cool guy. You came in hang gliding on whatever you came hand gliding in well we coming in hang gliding on Dorito just saying it's loyalty and respect. Never given up. Work harder then da rest. As you probably already know I got ADHD. And everybody and I mean everybody in my life has casted me to the side or throwing me away stepped on me and abused me. You took advantage of my ADHD you took everything you wanted because you dug my grave. Well ride or die squirrel and Damovement  them I.A.O.

Most everybody in my life even thuo ones you wouldn't imagine. "Squirrel" I Have to build my family. "An Adrmirl Navy  didn't care I was skining he said he can swim. Never give up always swim top.  JUST SAYIN " I was nothing but whatvever they need at the time. Hunted by our mistakes.
The Underdogs,Underachievers, disability , the guys that aren't going to make it anywhere. Why because we're different breed. We live  Murphy's Law Error.   So stop chasing us like we Jason Bourne.  Respect Da Orange .

Sunday, July 9, 2023

who is Henry ?

Well Henry is on my shoulder and always by myside. Why the Mr. T chain on is neck. Its my keys. I cant forget my keys can i lol. How was Henry  created in factory of course lol. One day my ADHD started racing in my  head. "SQUIRREL " idea. Lets have  this squirrel that been seating on my car dash for 2yrs now. Just wasting away and getting baked by sun. I walk into plant fitness one day.  Started asking the staff to name him . One said joe and another said jack . Then matt said Henry. So i ask Matt why he he likes the  name Henry. His answer was I like to name henry. But of course for squirrel that wasn't good enough. Here comes my squirrelly ADHD mind is racing ? Ride or die squirrel  means never give  no matter keep pushing on. Wait for it so Henry not only is a gangster from good fellas. Just sayin..? 
we all talk to ourselfs don't tell me you don't.  It's the crazy ones that talk back. So am  I really crazy. I know I am  not only talk to myself. I made HERNY my little superhero my tag team partner.  Do I look crazy talking to a stuff squirrel and answering back.  🤔  let me tell you something YES and i don't care what they think let them judge I am having a blast.  Squirrel.  So until next time.  Will talk another the Da Movement 

Friday, July 7, 2023

Da Movementis . I.A.O. WARRIORS make a statement about judgement and bullying.

Well once again here we are a  thoughts of a ADD/ADHD creatures. Da Ride or die Squirrel. that probably doesn't make sense. So I recently decided to cancel my Planet Fitness membership. It's ridiculous how they have you sign up and then they want a 3-month annual $25.99 fee. Crazy right that's what I said so I decided to turn my backyard in my house in my own gym. NO matter what hard work dedication I will never give up . I am part of the Da movement led by our fearless leader Henry. We  are The Underdogs the underestimated . But what you don't realize that we are the overachievers hard work, dedication, and motivation  we will never give up . So beyond my struggles we are working out . Still pushing for that sponsor. Hey we got Unicorn 🦄 right just sayin...! "SQUIRREL" Back to this blog thing.
" we've been shot twice with the BB gun and will continue to roll the dice".
Improvise adapt and overcome. DA  movement is I.A.O. Warriors. Many don't believe in US. They look at us and they laugh those creatures.They  will never be anything be anything but Jason bourne target . But that's when you're wrong respect the orange. With always a Target on our back. Always having to be ready to attack . None of them ADHD creatures and I think add 2. How are they supposed to do anything they can't even focus on one thing "SQUIRREL". Yeah did you catch that . We know how hard we have to work more than others. Most of you have made up your minds. Yoy casted  to Da side.

 Because we were too hard to deal with sometimes we went a little nuts. Well let me give you a little advice that Henry told me one time. And to me Maybe not to you but it makes sense.
" advice from Henry. Look both ways before you cross the road plan ahead stay active eat plenty of food. Spend time in the woods with your love ones. Go out on a limb once in awhile. And no matter how little you are. It's okay to go a little nuts. But the difference between them and us "I.A.O WARRIORS". These   creatures who called themselves Da  movement. We come from  different Dimension out of this error. Up in the sky wree star trek is trying to find us.  And as we know it Murphy's Law will follow us. Da Movement not afraid to go a little nuts. Don't care who sees. But in the end them creatures once  given a shot. That chance . Better hold on  cause its  ride or die. This blog is who are.  No matter what life throws at you criticism or maybe even a little Financial issues. No matter what we're all looked at different. And never let anybody tell you that you can't do anything and you won't be somebody.  Surround yourself with people that matter. Those ones that will  help you get focused get centered and they believe in yourself. Because coming from this squirrel if you believe and you think you're unstoppable. Dreams do come true look up in the sky every once  in awhile gasing a da  stars. It might not be a enterprise be a unicron. stop for a minute Focus relax and slow down and maybe you'll catch yourself for unicorn. Cuz once you're focused on one dream you have that teammate and a family Anything is Possible.

Monday, July 3, 2023

Da Godfathr

Well this story stopped before it even started. But I'm going to tell you about one of the original iao Warriors. Long ago on a very winter day for people had to shovel to get out of your driveway. The sky was covered the roads recovered from snow ear to ear racing to the hospital on record time on slippery roads and heavy snow. But as they got to the hospital the Godfather's Adventures nearly stopped before they started. Grab me every machine and they could and realizing that there's some issues racing to get his first breath. They accomplishment was he was stuck in a bubble for an early 6 months. But in the day he was born he was a fighter The Godfather the man who loves that p**** cat in his lap squirrel catch that. But determined to fight to the very end. That's true life Deluxe the rigth side of his body struggled they tried bionic legs they try to cast nothing worked he was stuck on wheels. But that didn't stop to Godfather they wanted to give him electric wheelchair he said f*** you we got to do this I got this. He went on to be one of the greatest CP superstars in the world. Aching and pain every day but he over talked to that pain you can tell him he was handicapped trust me it would turn into a fight. But as the world rejected him as they did that ADHD and add squirrel because of his disability. Well don't underestimate the little guys. But with everyone out casting him and throwing him to the curb that ride or die squirrel was by his side together they were Unstoppable two different men different creatures from from a world and a journey that will turn into brothers for life. That ride or die person that would be there. Maybe even funny like Step Brothers lot of fights on the way. But in the end it was all about delegate Talladega Nights shake and bake. But not thing  ride or die where will start Just sayin...!

The next Superheros Da Movement Creatures. da day Herny getting voices in to action

Before I even start this story if you have no idea what's going on. We are those people we are those creatures that we don't care what you think or who you are. We are the ones that they look at and even laugh at but we love who we are and what we are and what we stand for. Enjoy the story it's going to be an epic one

Once upon a time, in a small town called in flint mi. there lived a group of misfits creatures known as Da Movement. They were a diverse bunch, each with their own unique talents and quirks. Led by their fearless leader, Herny his trusted side kick Ride or die Squirrel they believed in the power of unity and the strength of the underdogs.

One sunny morning, as the town was buzzing with excitement in a backyard  barbecue somewhere next to the graveyard at 4th of july party, Da Movement gathered in their secret hideout - a cozy treehouse nestled in the heart of the forest. They were determined to prove that little guys mattered and that they were champions in their own right.

Among the members of Da Movement was a Henry   there fearless  leader always by his side Ride or Die Squirrel by his side . extreme scooter ,unicorn, and a double A,  Da Warden, devil spaun and of Da almighty most powerful  Godfather of course last bit not forgotten. Da Last  Man standing Earl. With there quick reflexes and unwavering to improvise adapt and overcome is unbelievable. When the movement is on the move they're hard work dedication and motivation can overcome  anything. And above all they will never leave they wounded soldier behind working together Inside by side ride or die till the end they will get it done.
 has Murphy's Law continues to follow them. And others will judge them some want to be them. They are the creatures that embrace the crazy and use all elements to our advantage. Doing it in their own style trust me you will see them. Squirrel watch for the orange. There's no Adventure they will not go on there's no demon they will give them scary. Others will always underestimate them some say they're even the next Suicide Squad or even laughing at them thinking there the next Kick ass. They are not all of the they I.A.O. warriors.  You ask what that mean wait squirrel.  Ahh RELAX, FOCUS, SLOW DOWN.  It means improvise adapt overcome.Thit was there it was squirrel Henry ws in a fireworks accident Ride or did squirrel rush to his side . All burned up and batter squirrel started  doing cpr. Henry Henry he shouted as he didn't hear Henry in his head he got a little worried that started getting really Squirrely and running around. As many well know if you don't already the only way that Henry talks is in squirrel's head. Now you're wondering as squirrel is giving CPR to a stuffed squirrel named Henry well where the movement we're crazy. Just sayin.  But it's squirrel sitting there Henry Henry can you hear me I can't hear you in my head.

And there it was Henry spoke he had a voice from the blast and said. It's Time to Go full foucs and make a statement for ourselves they will know our name and there will be no running over involved. There many doubts and obstacles on the way but we will make it impact and a statement and we will help the world.So most of all this message is ride or die squirrel approved always believe in yourself and never give up. You don't got to have fancy rides and fancy toys or even like shrimp and lobster to be a hero. Use your surroundings stay relaxed stay focused and slow down. And who cares what they think. And we'll end it with I got something to tell you we are heroes just sayin...! "SQUIRREL" I almost forgot you're probably asking yourself and if you're not I'm going to tell you. Why do I always spell the word saying and coming with the g's. Well let me tell you something we ain't no OG's we the movement and we gone save Da a drop knee. Royalty honor and respect and you already know and provides adapt and overcome. The greatest thing in the world is that blood makes you related loyalty makes you family. Well " Da Movement makes you ride or die and Unstoppable the unexpected Warriors are going to make a statement. 
 Stay Tuned to short movie. Henry know da Godfathr

Saturday, July 1, 2023

I got something to say!

Just sayin...! Epic job #rodsquirrel H2R Factory Factory  part of squirrel new family... . We will make this happen. No matter what..  Never give up.. #1stphom #SponsoredPost #findci #ADHD #wrestlingsponsorship #americanflag #squirrel Arizona Iced Tea #loganpaul Logan Paul #jakepaul Jake to Logan Brothers we  coming. That my money bank. #WWERaw #squirrelwithhenry
Did I say awesome  job. Thank u so much I a little post of confidence  seeing this today. It's been a hard few months and we a have few more.  Why hot with soke family issues. Sometimes even I have doubts.  Having ADHD  all life. Well I different.   But every time I do something from my past Hunts a squirrel very hard. It runs me over and continues to do so. But I will be a champion.  
Yes I pet squirrel names Henry. Wait there more he stuffed toy and he talks in head. But the world 🌎 every is #murphyslaw . But it will not stop making a difference in the world taking out Paul bros . Squirrel  lives matter events soon...  one more thing I got something to say. Wish I could say I had people in life that were supposed to be there no matter. But to some everything  in your is my Fault I bad dad,  bad person, I did not do good, I am just another $ when I have it of course. I never get phone how are you? Wait that  my Fault I bad dad, bad person bad brother.  I did so many wrong things so Nad choices. But I the end you threw me away because I different not the rest. So I am a warrior I will do and for you anymore. No one will get in the way . Just sayin...! Oh yea and half time your reading it doesn't make sent. Well if you new and really new me or even cared . You might.  I am #rodsquirrel that  who am ADHD to extreme.  Wait we Facebook  hey squirrel  😳  just sayin...! I did with a unicorn and Gabriel Zerou Bernacchi Jr.  0
If you got this far. 👍
Drop check the squirrel out stop line