Friday, July 28, 2023

We must adapt ?

Here we go another senseless blog from an ADHD squirrel. " What we're you Thinkin...?" SQUIRREL" 
 so as I look up above as a picture you see. We've talked about many times about improvising adapting and overcome. So I find myself this weekend going on a fun river trip. Can we go on every year. So there I was for a moment in my home thinking, " squirrel" what are we going to do how are we going to work out oh my God. There I was in my head, squirrel, get out of your head. Tell yourself relax, Focus slow. So I did exactly that and got to thinking how does a squirrel exactly work out ? So I did some researching  little facts about Me i mean "SQUIRREL
Did you know that a squirrel could one run 20 miles an hour, well most squirrels that is the other run about half. They can fall 30 m without hurting himself. Unlike other small creatures they come out during the day. They go head on big or small no matter who you are. They also are the most interactive with humans they like that when they're running around a tree they're playing hide and seek. They can even hide food up to 3 years and know where they put it. They would rather drop their food later come back and get it then risk a bigger Predator than than being attacked. We'll leave you with the last two facts that did you know that in Greek squirrel means tattletale and that in Longview Washington they have a bridge called nutty Narrows. And they even have a squirrelfest every year in August.. we know that we're going to have to visit there. WHAT WE'RE YOU THINKIN...? JUST SAYIN... !  Wow I learn something today I hope you did. Hopefully you got this so will learn together. 
Like is my workout tomorrow preparing for my river trip. Keep I am thinking in my head what will have around this weekend.  We know I will my orange towel and the environment. "RESPECT DA ORANGE " 
* Jog a little mile
* Push up 5 sets [ 30secs] times intervals wirh 15 secs rest for each set 
* Air squats 3 sets [30secs] time intervals with 15 secs rest 
*  Tree climers : using towel on a tree you can reach pull up wow you're right foot is helping you pull up. Repeat with left foot. 5  sets 30 second time in between each set. With 15 second rest.
. * Squirrel lunges, put both hands on the ground while feet are placed in back of you, then you're going to jump as far as you can and land on all fours. Three sets with 30 seconds time limit 15 second rest in between.
* forward lunges standing up three sets 30 seconds a piece 15 second intervals rest between each set.
* towel set.. pick a reasonable level 🌳 shoulder width apart, Shadowbox your orange rag for 3 minutes. 
More interesting workouts ideas from ADH squirrel this is just a sample from what's to come wait to my river trip what am I going to come up with. What were you thinking? Squirrel

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