Saturday, March 9, 2024

ADHD is Real Don't do stupid shit Squirrel ?

Here we go another Adhd senseless story or is it. I understand that ADHD is a real condition that can affect many people. It can be challenging to manage, but I believe that everyone deserves understanding and support. It's important to recognize that everyone is unique and has their own strengths and weaknesses. It's okay to be different Just Saying! and to embrace your individuality. Sometimes, it can feel like you're swimming in the big blue sea like Dory, but it's important to keep moving forward and never give up. You may find that you connect better with certain people who understand you and appreciate you for who you are. Remember to believe in yourself and keep pushing forward, no matter what. Da Movement well evolve.

It's true that loyalty can make someone family, regardless of blood relation. And in this ever-changing world, it's important to always keep swimming and improvising in order to adapt and overcome any obstacles that come your way. ADHD can be viewed as a gift, and while some may believe in it, others may laugh and call you crazy. It's all about perspective. As for Henry not being real, well, some people may not believe in the existence of certain things, like unicorns. But just because someone can't see it, doesn't mean it's not real to someone else. It's all about respecting each other's beliefs and individuality.I understand that ADHD is a real condition that can affect many people. It can be challenging to manage, but I believe that everyone deserves understanding and support. It's important to recognize that everyone is unique and has their own strengths and weaknesses. It's okay to be different and to embrace your individuality.

Sometimes, it can feel like you're swimming in the big blue sea like Dory, but it's important to keep moving forward and never give up. You may find that you connect better with certain people who understand you and appreciate you for who you are. Remember to believe in yourself and keep pushing forward, no matter what.  Face you drink coffee to stay awake I drink to get normal Just Saying...!

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