Friday, October 6, 2023

Really Squirrel Boxing...

So here we go another senseless blog from an ADHD squirrel. So as you already know n "Squirrel" wait for it. This squirrel is 1stphorm.. so beace of the new fall challenge . Life as taking DA MOVEMENT..  Just like a squirrel always moving not in One Direction . Have you ever watched a squirrel cross the road he looks to the left he looks to the right he looks in the middle he looks the left again looks to the right and they looked behind him . Now you ask yourself why does he look behind them well it could be a predator coming up maybe to get them who knows do you know what goes through every creature in this Nature's head I don't I definitely don't even know what goes through mine . Now you're all thinking why all this rambling on about a squirrel crossing the road we made jokes about a chicken crossing the road . Now my eyes maybe not in yours but I think a squirrel is a hell of a lot smarter than chicken . Squirrel I think I'm rambling but I'm always rambling about nonsense anything . I'm always around about something or trying to get into anything dropping something forget it something . But the one thing I always am is in my head . Now there's some things that just I need to get out of my head and there's some things that are just there they will never go away . So just like that chicken you make a joke about trying to cross the road . Or even that squirrel looking all in every direction before even thinks about crossing the road . How many chickens on a daily basis do you see crossing the road I thought it was just a joke chickens are good it's going to make me bulk haha not there I'm rambling squirrel . But I see a squirrel every day cross the road no matter how small he is he wants to go after that nut and no matter what it takes he's going to get it . It doesn't matter what's in his way a dragon a turtle a bunny or even a dog named Floki , or maybe the Incredible Hulk maybe even the Beast or Brock Lesnar . But you know what he's going to be afraid of most that dog so-called Floki you wonder why because he's going to Smart out every single one of you . So I'm not afraid of if you're bigger I'm kind of afraid if you're smarter because that's kind of my downfall . I always act before I think . .
But see that dogs determined because all you got to show is love and affection and he's going to get the other side because he just wants to lick you kiss you hold you he feels important when you're around. Now what is this amazing maybe not even treat you have to do with squirrel. I am not one for patience I asked before I think we've discussed this I get into bigger things that maybe I can't handle and I got a lot of demons that want my head some of them I've created some of them are just jealous because I'm that freaking cool. Well at least in my head and it doesn't matter what you think. But doing all this Fitness stuff and being who I am has got me into a Direction that has made me feel amazing. And no don't say it squirrel, oh yeah what were you thinking? And you know what makes me well Epic you already know I did The Impossible I improvised adapt overcome everything and I've taught me a unicorn so who's to say I can't box and make this squirrel look even more well awesome for me and that little rare creature

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