Tuesday, August 1, 2023

i.A.O. Warrior workout

Well here we go again another census blog by an ADHD squirrel. 
Someone's trying to work out in the woods. I was in the element I was in my playground sound like you kidding me candy store squirrel I didn't know where to go. Jumping off trees doing pull-ups off the branches during my towel to climb the tree. Ot was amazing.  The environment was just amazing I felt like a guy me and his huge playground no wait just the environment rocks trees branches of course my orange towel.

* 5 sets dips 25 reps near rock.
*rest 30secs 
* 5 sets 25reps wide arm push up
* High Knee lift 1min
* 3 sets 25 reps  Rock squats. " Make sure you use proper form than Knees
* 3 sets 25 rock 🪨  lunges.  ( use rock and lunge whike holding to chest
*1min rest 
* Towel tree climb  with tree. " Use towel to climb tree. While feel are pulling you up . Like a tree climber. Go up and 3 times . ( wacth video)
* Finsh will a Jog back to camp site... Sprint when see tent .
So if you want something bad enough even on your even on your vacation. Don't stop use the environment around you improvise adapt and overcome. Because everybody can be a i. A.O. Warrior. And no matter what don't even let your ADHD get in the way of having a good workout.

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